Gratuito patrocinio in Europa

Gratuito patrocinio in Europa

Spesso i richiedenti il gratuito patrocinio sono persone che provengono da altri paesi e faticano a comprendere il significato dei percorsi processuali della Repubblica Italiana. Per questa ragione abbiamo ritenuto opportuno rendere disponibile anche un modello di domande di ammissione al Patrocinio a spese dello Stato (Legal Aid) nella linuga che più è diffusa come mezzo di comunicazione del web e del mondo occidentale, ovvero l’inglese.

Di seguito trovate quindi il testo in inglese da copiare ed implementare con i dati personali al fine di poter presentare la domanda di ammissione.


Associazione Art. 24 Cost.


The Constitution of the Italian Republic Clause 24 says:

“Everyone is allowed to take legal action for the protection of her/his rights and legitimate interests. Defence is an inviolable right at any grade of the proceedings. The means of action and defence before all Courts are guaranteed to the indigent by public institutions.The law determines the conditions and legal means to remedy miscarriages of justice”

Legal aid in Italy is a service to allow everyone to be assisted by a lawyer or by an expert witness free of any legal fees or costs

Legal aid is useful in all criminal, civil, administrative, accounting or fiscal proceeding and “voluntary jurisdiction” and whenever the presence of a lawyer or expert witness is required by law.
Legal aid is granted for all grades or stages of the trial including all further connected incidental and contingent proceedings, before Tribunals, Courts of Appeal, the Supreme Court, surveillance courts and judges, Regional Administrative Tribunals, Judicial Review Committees, Provincial and Regional Fiscal Commissions, State Auditors’ Court.


Here you can find a example of request for obtain legal aid:


The undersigned…………………………………………………….. Born…………………………. ……. In ………………………………… Resident in ……………………………….. street ……………………. Fiscal code ……………………………………………… Telephone number ………………………………….

Declare that own private family is composed in this way:
1) Mr. ………………………………… ………………………………… Born…………………………… in …………………………………… Fiscal code …………………………… ……………………………….. Status (for example consort, child) ………………………………….
2) Mrs. ………………………………………………………………….. Born…………………………… in …………………………………… Fiscal code …………………………………………………………….. Status (for example consort, child) ………………………………….
3) Mr. ………………………………… ………………………………… Born…………………………… in …………………………………… Fiscal code …………………………… ……………………………….. Status (for example consort, child) ………………………………….
4) Mrs. ………………………………………………………………….. Born…………………………… in …………………………………. Fiscal code …………………………………………………………….. Status (for example consort, child) ………………………………….
5) Mr. ………………………………………………………………….. Born…………………………… in …………………………………… Fiscal code …………………………… ……………………………….. Status (for example consort, child) ………………………………….
6) Mrs. ………………………………………………………………….. Born…………………………… in …………………………………… Fiscal code …………………………………………………………….. Status (for example consort, child) ………………………………….

Indicate the reasons to exclude all family’s encomes ( for example because it’s process about personality rights)


To be admitted to pauper legal aid of the State for the following proceedings:

If the action has already begun: (if the action has not already begun fill in point B)
– Indicate:
1) name and address of the parties ………………………………………………………………………………………
2) the Court in which the action is pending (for example Vicenza’s Court, justice of the Peace …………………………………………………………………………………….
3) object of the action ………………………………………………………………………………………
4) date of the next hearing ………………………………………………………………………………….
5) number of the general roll ………………………………………………………………………………….

Enclose the photocopy of the action’s acts and documents (for example summons, petition, acts, documents produced in the process of the action, list of witnesses)

If the action has not begun:

The type of the contention (for example personal separation of consorts, di- vorce, the partition of goods, compensation for damages, debt collection, dep- rivation of civil rights, the action of work law, eviction)
Name and address of the parties …………………………………………………………………………………
Enclose a copy of action’s documents (for example registered letter, contracts,
indicate in a short way the pacts that object of the action and the others elements useful to value the validity of the claim ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………” indicate the proves…….. (for example witnesses, documents, technical advice) …………………………………………………………………………………
The undersigned: declares to dispose a yearly income of encloses the last income – tax return.
The undersigned takes note that maximum income for admission to pauper legal aid is at the moment of € 10.776,33. Until the conclusion of the action, the undersigned obliges his self to communicate to “Consiglio dell’Ordine” every change of income that exceeds the indicated limit; and that within 30 days from the maturity of one year from the presentation’s date of the request for the admission to pauper legal aid.
The undersigned declares to know penalties provided by art. 26 l. 15/68 (and successive modifications) in the case in which are given false declarations or are produced false acts or that contain false dates.

(place) …………………………….. (date) ………………………….. Signature ……………………….

Regard the law’s disposals D.Lgs. 196/2003, the undersigned give own agreement to “Consiglio dell’Ordine”, in order that this provides to private dates treatment in the development of his istituctional functions and in order to pos- sible communications to third parties.

(place) …………………………….. (date) ………………………….. Signature ……………………

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